War Zone Rules!
First: remove the Health Score Sheets (12) from the deck.
2 Player Game. Shuffle the cards and deal 6 cards to each player.
3-4 Player Game. Shuffle the cards and deal 5 cards to each player.
5-6 Player Game. Shuffle the cards and deal 4 cards to each player.
Setup Continued.
Place the remaining cards in the center of the table, this will be the deck.
Deal 2 health score sheets to each player. Each player will flip one scoresheet face up and the other face down. Use the small orange arrow on the top right hand corner to keep track of your health. Each player starts at 20 health. See image:
Each player may then place up to 3 cards from their hand on the bottom of the deck and draw back up to their hand size. Note: This can only happen once, and must be before the game begins. Randomly determine a starting player, play will then start and proceed clockwise.
On your turn you may play an attack card from your hand. State the attack card's name and which player you are targeting. The player targeted may then play a defense card to block your attack. If the defender is unable to block the attack they take the damage indicated.
Note: After playing either an attack or defense card, immediately draw back up to your hand size.
At the end of your turn you may place one card from your hand on the bottom of the deck and draw back up to your hand size. It is then the next player's turn.
Example: Luca plays Infantry Fire and targets Benjamin, Benjamin does not have Barbed Wire so he takes 5 damage. Benjamin on his turn plays Reinforcements and targets Luca, Luca plays Machine Gun and blocks the damage.
It is now Luca’s turn again.
Note: Defense cards are never played on your turn, they are always played in response to an attack card. Played cards are placed in a discard pile, the discard pile is reshuffled into the deck once the deck is depleted.
Health Symbol:
Damage Symbol:
Special rules.
Every attack card has a counteraction listed. Play your attack card after an opponent plays the counteraction card listed to gain the counteraction bonus. For example: if the last card played is Reinforcements and you play Artillery, then you gain 2 health and 1 damage in addition to the initial 4 damage that Artillery deals.
Note: If a counter-attack is blocked then the health/damage gain is also blocked.
Game end.
Once a player’s health reaches 0 they are out of the game, play continues until there is only one player left. If the draw deck is depleted, it is reshuffled.
Game variants.
Rules are the same unless otherwise stated. Variants may be combined.
Team play. Players divide evenly into 2 or 3 teams. Members of the same team should sit diagonally from each other. Each player is then dealt 4 cards. Players must attack the closest opponent to their left. The last team surviving wins!
Variant 1. Suggested: Players may place up to 2 cards from their hand on the bottom of the deck and draw back up to their hand size at the end of their turn.
Variant 2. If you play a copy of the last attack card played gain 1 health.
Variant 3. Speedy Game! The game ends the first time the deck is depleted, player with the most health wins. Ties are decided with a lightning round.
Lightning Round. Tied players start with 7 health and 4 cards, the last remaining player wins!
Created by: Z-hoop Games, Luca Zia and Benjamin Hoopes.
Original Game Design and Drawings by: John Paul Hoopes.
Special Thanks to our photographer: Nicolaas tenBroek.